
Isyourscreenperfect?Unsure?ThencheckitwiththeDVANADeadPixelChecker.Thissimpleappwillcheckeverycolourofeverypixelandconfirmthat ...,Isyourscreenperfect?Unsure?ThencheckitwiththeDVANADeadPixelChecker.Thissimpleappwillcheckeverycolourofeverypixelandconfirmthat ...,Deadpixelsareadevice-ruiningdefectthathavebeenruiningmyscreensforyears.It'shightimetodoawaywiththem.,InjuredPixelscanhelpyoucheckyourP...

Dead Pixel Checker

Is your screen perfect? Unsure? Then check it with the DVANA Dead Pixel Checker. This simple app will check every colour of every pixel and confirm that ...

Dead Pixel Checker

Is your screen perfect? Unsure? Then check it with the DVANA Dead Pixel Checker. This simple app will check every colour of every pixel and confirm that ...

Dead pixels shouldn't be a thing in 2023

Dead pixels are a device-ruining defect that have been ruining my screens for years. It's high time to do away with them.

InjuredPixels (for Windows)

InjuredPixels can help you check your PC, laptop or tablet screen for dead pixels, scratches or defects. InjuredPixels can be used to test a new LCD monitor ...


Injured Pixels. Easily check for hot, dead or stuck pixels, for pixels that do not illuminate properly or do not display the correct color output.


InjuredPixels is a tool that lets you locate and diagnose dead pixels in your PC's monitor. Dead or blocked pixels are black or colored dots that remain fixed ...

InjuredPixels for Android

InjuredPixels is an app that lets you check to see if there are any dead pixels on your screen. You know, the ones that have gone black (or any other color) ...

InjuredPixels for Windows

Download InjuredPixels for Windows for free. Test your screen for any dead pixels. Injured Pixels is a tool that tests your screen to find any dead pixels,.

InjuredPixels for Windows

Download InjuredPixels Portable. Version Only 40KB. Runs on any PC, laptop or tablet with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, or XP*. No installation is ...

InjuredPixels: Dead Pixel Test

Use InjuredPixels to screen test a smartphone or tablet in the store, before buying, or during the warranty period, as you may get a replacement according ...

InjuredPixels - 螢幕壞點檢測

InjuredPixels - 螢幕壞點檢測
